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Are you on track for retirement?
- One of the most common questions I answer for clients is whether they're on track for retirement. And if they're not, what will it take to get there? Although there's no substitute for personalized calculations based on all kinds of things like social security eligibility, and rates of return and expense assumptions, and tax assumptions, there are some really helpful rules of thumb that you can use to determine whether or not your on track to retire. Fidelity Investments has developed a super helpful way to determine whether you're on track for retirement. If you are on track, then continuing to save 15%, which again, includes employer contributions, should enable you to save enough to retire by 67. If you're not quite on track, aiming to save more than 15% will be needed to get you on track. And if you have more than fidelity recommends, you might be able to save less than 15% and still be on track. Or you might be able to…