PHP for WordPress (2020) 预览

PHP for WordPress (2020)

讲师: Joe Casabona 1,507 位用户赞了
时长: 1 小时 52 分钟 技能水平: 中级 发布日期: 2020/7/15


Looking to add custom functionality to your WordPress site? In this course, learn what every WordPress developer needs to know to start coding in PHP. Instructor Joe Casabona helps you quickly get up to speed with the popular server-side programming language, explaining just what you need to know to start adding your own custom code. After briefly going over what PHP is, Joe introduces key concepts. Learn about decision-making with conditional statements, creating custom functions, and how WordPress handles most variables. Along the way, Joe provides challenges that allow you to put your new skills to the test. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with a basic understanding of PHP and how to use it to make simple modifications in WordPress.




4.8 分,最高 5 分

371 条评分
  • 5 星
    当前数据: 303 82%
  • 4 星
    当前数据: 54 15%
  • 3 星
    当前数据: 13 4%
  • 2 星
    当前数据: 0 0%
  • 1 星
    当前数据: 1 1%



  • 边学边练 1 个练习文件
  • 知识测验 4 个测验
  • 随时随地学习 可在平板电脑和手机上访问



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