课程: Photoshop 2022 Essential Training


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Selecting and replacing skies

Selecting and replacing skies

- [Instructor] I'm sure that most of us have found ourselves in a beautiful location, but the sky just isn't as grand as the landscape in the foreground, let's see how Photoshop can help us to not only select skies, but also replace them. Now, if I only wanted to select the sky, I could choose the select menu and then choose sky. This is a great way to select the sky if you want to do something like change the color or tone with an adjustment layer. It's also an excellent way if you want to select the foreground, because with the sky selected, I can always choose select and then inverse. But for now, I'll choose de-select because I want to replace the sky. So I'll select the edit menu and then choose sky replacement. Now, sky replacement has a number of different presets. I'll just make this a little bit larger so we can see more skies at one time. There are a number of different blue skies that we can apply.…
