Differentiate deep thought from overthinking
- My client Sean's company was in a tailspin. Sales were down, morale was low, and the company was, once again, way behind on their quarterly targets. As head of marketing Sean's boss had asked him to overhaul their customer acquisition strategy. Sean, being naturally strategic and perceptive, was perfectly suited for his job, but his thoughtfulness, which was usually an asset got in his way. He's stressed out about decisions, big and small, which slowed down progress. He didn't trust his own judgment and he second guessed himself. As hard as he tried, Sean couldn't stop overthinking. Like Sean, we all have thoughts running through our minds. Intentionally, deliberating and thinking through issues is key to being effective. But how do you know if you're deeply thinking about an issue versus overthinking it? Here's how to tell the difference. First, deep thought moves you forward. Overthinking keeps you stuck. Deep thought is solution-focused. It aims to solve problems and is purposeful. Overthinking, on the other hand, is open-ended, circular and doesn't provide useful insights. For example, being preoccupied with what your colleagues think of you does nothing to move you ahead. Putting together a plan to build your relationships is what will get you results. Deep thought focuses on what matters, overthinking is obsessing over the inconsequential. Let's say you have an interview coming up. Do you spend your time learning about the company and rehearsing your responses? Or do you agonize over the last interview you had that didn't go well and create a scenario in your head that the same thing will happen this time? Overthinking keeps us attached to the past, worried about the future and turns minor situations into major ones. All which can lead to needless overreaction. Finally, deep thought is emotionally neutral. Overthinking is emotionally draining. When you're in deep thought, you may thoroughly analyze an issue or problem, but you're not judging yourself. You're focusing on neutral observable facts. Overthinking though is driven by negative self-talk. Your thoughts may not reflect the truth of the situation and tend to be very self critical and harsh. As you can tell, the difference between deep thought and overthinking isn't about the amount of time you spend deliberating, rather it's how much the quality of your thoughts enhance your performance. Consider this, a report published in 2020 by the World Economic Forum on the future of jobs states that by 2025 job skills, like critical thinking, problem solving and self-management, will be most in demand. Like my client Sean, your deep mental processing can be a tremendous advantage in your career when channeled correctly. This is precisely why it's crucial to move away from overthinking and toward deep thought.