课程: Navigating Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) at Work


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Reframe FOMO as a positive force

Reframe FOMO as a positive force

- As the world's first FOMOsapiens, I'm well acquainted with the power of FOMO and the damage that it can cause. But would you believe that FOMO isn't always bad for you? Yes, you heard that right. It can become an asset. Here's why. FOMO is a very powerful motivator of human behavior. And if you direct it positively, you can use it to achieve great things. So if you can learn to manage your bad FOMO and then listen to and learn from your good FOMO, the fear of missing out can actually become a force for good. Let me give you an example of how this works. Let's say that you learn about a promotion at your job that requires you to be highly proficient at data analysis. But right now, your skills in that area just aren't up to snuff. As you think about the increased responsibilities and pay that the promotion offers, you feel deep, aspirational FOMO. Then you feel a bit inadequate. But because you've taken this course,…
