课程: Nano Tips for Handling Difficult Work Situations with Tiffany Uman

How to handle people taking credit for your work

- Here's how to handle the situation when someone tries to take credit for your work. Now, as much as you might want to scream in the moment when that happens, it's really important to come at this composed, calm, and levelheaded. And you can either choose to address it in the moment or following that situation. Personally, I recommend doing both so that you call them out while it's happening, but also make a point of it in a one-to-one conversation so that it doesn't happen again moving forward. And here's how you can handle it directly in the moment. "I appreciate your input. That said, I do want to be clear that this was the part of the project that I've actually led myself, and I want to be sure that there's no confusion or lack of clarity around that. You have been a great support on XYZ parts of the project, but I want to take the lead on presenting this part now." This is a great way to take control back of the conversation and make sure it's very clear on who's doing what. You've got this.
