课程: Microsoft Teams Essential Training
Manage your list of teams
- [Narrator] As time goes on, you may be a member of several teams and your list will grow. At some point, you may need to leave a team or hide a team that you don't use often. I am a member of two teams. I can see them here on my list, but you might have much more on your list. If you point at a team name, a button with three dots will appear to the right. You can click that button to open this menu. And if you are completely done with a team and don't want to be a member of it anymore, you can choose leave team. That team will disappear from your list and you will no longer be a member. But maybe you do want to stay in the team just in case, but you have too many teams and this list is getting cluttered. In that case, you can choose to hide the team. So I'll choose that. And at first it looks like that team is gone from my list, but it's actually in this category called hidden teams, which has appeared at the bottom. You can click the arrow next to where it says hidden teams to open or close that category. And this is important to know because the application may automatically hide teams that you have not used in a long time. So if a team seems to disappear from your list, you should check this hidden teams category to see if it's there. And if you want to un-hide a team, you can go to the hidden teams list point at the name of the team, click the button with three dots to open that menu and choose show. And that moves it back to the main list. And if the hidden teams section is empty, it will disappear. In fact, if I try to open the hidden teams category now, there it is. It disappeared. Now if you're using teams for business, that's all you need to know. But for people using the education version, let's switch over to teams for education. If you are in the education version of teams and you're using the grid view, it may look different, but it actually works the same. You can click the button with three dots, which appears on any of the teams, and you'll have the option to leave the team or hide the team. I'm going to hide this team. And now at the bottom I see the category for hidden teams, and I can click the arrow to open and close that category. And if you want to move a team out of the hidden teams, just click the button with three dots on that team to open the menu, choose show, and it moves back to the regular list. So the grid view in the education version really is not that different. So that's how you can manage the list of teams that you are a member of.