课程: Microsoft Security Essentials: Concepts, Solutions, and AI-Powered Protection
Microsoft Purview Information Protection - Microsoft Security Copilot教程
课程: Microsoft Security Essentials: Concepts, Solutions, and AI-Powered Protection
Microsoft Purview Information Protection
- [Instructor] Protecting sensitive and business-critical information is essential for maintaining data security. Let's look at the Information Protection solution provided by Microsoft Purview. To protect your data, you must first understand it in order to identify important information. This process is commonly known as data classification. Microsoft Purview offers several types of classifiers to identify data. Trainable classifiers. These use artificial intelligence to classify your data. Microsoft provides many pre-trained classifiers, such as bank statement, credit report, and invoice. You can also create a custom trainable classifiers for your specific business data. Trainable classifiers are used to classify items like files or email messages. To further identify the elements within those items, you can use sensitive information types. These are pattern-based classifiers. For example, they can detect credit card numbers, social security numbers, or bank account numbers based on specific patterns. You can also use exact values from your organization's data to detect matches instead of relying on generic patterns. These are known as exact data match, or EDM classifiers. Microsoft Purview also enables you to label sensitive data. First, you need to create a variance of sensitivity labels based on the sensitivity levels defined by your organization, such as personal, public, confidential, and highly confidential. Once created, this sensitivity labels are published through label policies, which define rules such as which users and groups that can see labels, the default label to be applied, whether justifications are required for label changes, and whether a sensitivity label must be applied before saving documents. To bring visibility to sensitive content across your organization's environment, Microsoft Purview provides data and content explorer to discover documents and emails that contains sensitive information or have a sensitivity labels applied, and activity explorer to review activities related to sensitive content. Now let's do a quick demo of Microsoft Purview Information Protection. Here's the Microsoft Purview portal. Let's choose the Information Protection solution. Under Classifiers, you can see Trainable classifiers. These are building or custom classifiers to identify common items such as bank statements, budget, or business plan. Sensitive info types. This match content elements based on patterns, such as full name, physical address, and passport number. EDM classifiers. These use exact values to detect matches rather than patterns. Click Sensitivity labels. You can create a sensitivity labels for different levels. Under Policies, you can create a sensitivity label policies with variance settings. Under Explorers, you can use a Data explorer or Classic content explorer to discover emails and documents that contain sensitive information. You can use Activity explorer to review activities related to sensitive information.