课程: Mental Health Awareness for Cybersecurity Professionals
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Compassion fatigue and its impact on mental health
课程: Mental Health Awareness for Cybersecurity Professionals
Compassion fatigue and its impact on mental health
- Have you ever found yourself feeling emotionally drained after extended periods of offering support in high stress situations? If so, you may have experienced something called compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue, also known as secondary traumatic stress is a condition characterized by a gradual lessening of compassion over time. It's often seen in professionals who work in high stress, emotionally demanding jobs, and yes, that includes those of us in the cybersecurity industry. Compassion fatigue arises from the constant demand to be empathetic and supportive. Over time, the emotional residue from dealing with high pressure situations, crises, and trauma can build up. The result? Symptoms that closely resemble burnout. So what might these symptoms look like? They can manifest as physical and emotional exhaustion, reduced feelings of sympathy or empathy, dreading working with certain clients, increased cynicism at…
Depression and its impact on cybersecurity professionals3 分钟 12 秒
Anxiety and how it affects job performance2 分钟 30 秒
Burnout and the importance of self-care2 分钟 40 秒
Compassion fatigue and its impact on mental health2 分钟 2 秒
Imposter syndrome and its effects on mental health2 分钟 29 秒