课程: Media Relations Foundations
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When the media interview goes wrong
- Just as much as you would prepare your talking points for an interview, you also have to anticipate tough questions. Tough questions can mean holding you accountable, like asking you to prove your point, or it could mean the reporter is playing devil's advocate. You should always anticipate tough questions. Because from the reporter's point of view, they have to do their due diligence in covering every side and perspective. Now, depending on the type of interview, they may interview you, as well as those opposing you. In cases like these, you need to be prepared by forecasting what points they could bring up that may contradict what you said. These questions shouldn't come as a surprise because chances are you and your organization have already thought through these questions as well. For example, if you're being interviewed about a new innovative product that is in direct competition with what's already on the…