课程: Mastering the Skill of Confidence
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Narrow your attention to cue up confidence
- Also, I think about just before the moment of performance, the, the big game, the big speech, or even just an afternoon in which you got to be productive and you're not feeling it. What are your top perspectives on, on how to get into the right state, mood, emotion, the mindset place to rock and roll, and perform well at the thing you want to perform well at even if you're not feeling it in in the moment? This is the million dollar question that we all face many times in the day. The answer is, as you're about to enter that performance, if you're about to get down to the workload at three o'clock or four o'clock, and you got to get it done before you can leave, that's when you have to look at yourself and say, "Okay, I'm an athlete. I'm contending for this prize of winning this moment right now, and I have to be willing to think back, maybe access my mental bank account. Look how far I've come. I did this…
Confidence is a skill that you can train4 分钟 58 秒
Record episodes of success5 分钟 1 秒
Recite carefully worded affirmations4 分钟 36 秒
Prepare for the future by visualizing2 分钟 36 秒
Mistakes are temporary3 分钟 56 秒
Narrow your attention to cue up confidence3 分钟 34 秒
Confidence is not arrogance1 分钟 5 秒