课程: Managing Your Well-Being as a Leader
Why your well-being as a manager is a priority
课程: Managing Your Well-Being as a Leader
Why your well-being as a manager is a priority
- One of the many side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic we're seeing is a mental health crisis, which has had an enormous impact on companies, their leaders and employees. A study of over 12,000 workers conducted by my firm, Workplace Intelligence and Oracle, found that 71% of leaders say that this is the most stressful year ever at work. The reality is that not only are today's leaders dealing with the stress and other mental issues, they're are also feeling isolated as they navigate through this historical crisis. But if so many people are struggling, why is it that we rarely hear business leaders talking about their own challenges? For one, there's still a stigma associated with admitting that you're dealing with mental health issues, and this is especially true among business leaders who are expected to show strength and confidence, even when they're under pressure. Another factor is that many leaders have been so overwhelmed with looking after everyone else's well-being during COVID, that they've ignored their own needs, and herein lies the problem. Because when leaders don't take steps to address their mental well-being, simply put, it's bad for the business. We already know that mental health issues can affect work outcomes. Depression alone can decrease productivity by 35%. However, among leaders, mental illness can affect judgment and decision-making, and it can also trickle down into the company. And it's this trickle down effect that can have profound consequences on your team members and your business. So by hiding your own struggles and ignoring your own well-being, you're not only preventing yourself from having a better quality of life, you may also be impacting your team's well-being and you may be conveying to your employees that they should hide their issues rather than ask for help. So where should you begin? I suggest that you start by thinking about these key questions. Have you adapted your work style to support your own well-being in work-life balance? What habits or rituals do you have in place to support your well-being? What steps are you taking to prevent yourself from feeling isolated? And are you sharing your own struggles with your employees and asking them how they are doing during this difficult time? We'll explore these questions in more detail throughout this course, but remember, the most important takeaway is that you need to start prioritizing your own well-being first, because as a leader, it's your job to demonstrate what success looks like to your team members. This is not just business success, but personal success, which includes all facets of well-being. And as a leader, you must recognize that your mental wellness is directly linked to the well-being of your team members. Does this mean that you have to be a perfect example of success? Absolutely not. But it's critical that you take steps in the right direction, and ideally, be transparent about your journey with your employees, so they're inspired to take action as well.