Using life scripts
- Most of our behavior is actually controlled by our subconscious without us realizing. So, for example, I walk into a post office and there's a queue, I immediately become impatient without deliberately choosing to do that, I just do. Maybe going to a party, do I hang around in the kitchen and be shy or do I go and talk to people? It's not a conscious choice and these behaviors, in fact, all of our behaviors are controlled by what are called life scripts which are a collection of scripts that we have stored in our subconscious. These are beliefs about ourselves that control our behavior and what happens that if you've got a script which says I'm impatient or I'm shy, then that's how you behave in that situation. So, this script leads to the behavior and the behavior leads to an event which is me stamping my feet in the queue or hiding in the kitchen at a party and that even then gets filed away in my memory and it strengthens that script or that belief that I have about myself, so as we go through life these scripts become stronger and stronger and you can have good scripts and bad ones.
Introduction35 秒
Assertiveness benefits1 分钟 17 秒
Using life scripts1 分钟 14 秒
Using self-talk45 秒
Understanding rights1 分钟 9 秒
Understanding responsibility58 秒
Taking responsibility for mistakes53 秒
Being self-aware1 分钟 4 秒
Facing aggression2 分钟
Taking criticism1 分钟 27 秒
Giving criticism1 分钟 24 秒
Using the right words3 分钟 3 秒
It's never too late to go back31 秒