课程: Making Quick Decisions


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Collaborate appropriately

Collaborate appropriately

- When faced with a decision, it's important to think about who else should be involved in making the decision. Sometimes it's just you. Many times it should be the whole team. The good news is that you can collaborate effectively and still make quick decisions. The first and maybe the most important reason to collaborate is to build a feeling of inclusion. Sometimes a decision clearly requires input from others on the team, but even if it doesn't, collaboration can still be useful. It builds a sense of trust and rapport, a sense that we're really not that different and that we all make up this team. Next, let's be honest, your team has expertise that you don't have. No matter how accomplished you are, they have bits of expertise you need. When you reach out and leverage their expertise, you not only gain insights you need to make a great decision, but once again, you've validated them and helped build a sense of team. Another reason it's smart to bring in more voices is because their…
