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What's your earning potential?
- The one thing no one ever talks about is money. But changing careers is difficult. So if you're going to go through all of the trouble, it would make sense that you'd want to consider your compensation upfront. The thing I want you to keep in mind when you're considering a career change is that it's not about your first paycheck. It's about your earning potential. So how do you figure out your earning potential in a new career? One quick and easy way is to look at salary guides. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a government website that provides you with comprehensive wage data across the United States. It's also broken down by state and metropolitan area. So wages can vary greatly based on cost of living factors. So compare salaries on a local and regional scale. Salary.com is a for-profit website that provides basic wage data. And if you're in the UK, you could start with the Office for National Statistics.…