今天就开通帐号,24,100 门业界名师课程任您挑!
There's no time like the present
- Right now, the question that may be running through your head is where do I begin? The answer is it depends on where you are in the process. I usually encounter three types of career changers. People who know the job they have is not the one they want but don't know what the job they want looks like. People who know what job they want but don't feel they're qualified to get it. And people who aren't sure their career they have now is one they don't want but do hate their current job and need a change. So which category do you fall into? Let's take them one at a time. If you know what job you want but just aren't sure you meet the qualification to obtain it, an objective third party like a mentor or a coach can help you. Many times, you already have what's needed to move forward in your new career. You just need a supportive person to boost your confidence by giving you some guidance. And by using the skills you have…