课程: Making a Career Change


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Interviewing others in a role you're interested in

Interviewing others in a role you're interested in

课程: Making a Career Change

Interviewing others in a role you're interested in

- Informational interviews are frequently used as part of a career change strategy and it can be a wonderful tool if you know how to use it correctly. The term informational interview sounds so formal that it intimidates some people. But don't worry, you've probably already done them. If you've ever taken a friend out for coffee to pick their brain about their last employer or their new job because you're considering applying there, that was an informational interview. And by giving this process a formal name, you can now feel confident in asking a stranger for information instead of just relying on close friends and acquaintances. An informational interview is a 15 to 30-minute phone call or in-person meeting with someone who has the ability to provide you with information, not rumor or conjecture, but actual data about salary requirements, barriers to entry, organizational culture, or insight on upcoming projects…
