今天就开通帐号,24,100 门业界名师课程任您挑!
Evaluating the decision-making process
- I'll admit, it is not my first instinct to ask other people for their opinion about my life or my career. Mainly because it takes time to obtain their feedback, and patience isn't one of my top traits either. But, getting input from people who know you and whose opinion you value is an important step in the career change process. Hearing how your decisions are perceived by others, especially when they disagree, can help you sort through the questions and doubts in your mind. Some days I can't see the forest for the trees and I can't expect that my point of view will always be correct. Taking the time to get input along the way from people whose opinions you trust, can provide you with the confidence you need to know that you are making the right decision at the time. I'll ask for my mother's opinion, because she'll give it to me anyway. So I might as well ask for it first. And I know she will be thinking about…