课程: Machine Learning with Python: Foundations


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How to build a machine learning model in Python

How to build a machine learning model in Python - Python教程

课程: Machine Learning with Python: Foundations

How to build a machine learning model in Python

- In this exercise, we'll use a historical data set, to build a linear regression model that predicts the number of bike rentals. Based on weather conditions. We start by importing the Panda's package. Then we import the data into a data frame called bikes and preview it. Now that we have our data, let's try to understand it. First, we get a concise summary of the structure of the data. From the summary. We can tell that there are 731 rows in the data set and that all four columns are numeric. Next, we get summary statistics for the data. The statistics show the mean minimum, maximum standard deviation and present our values for the four features in the dataset. Linear regression models assume that, there exists a linear relationship between the predictors and the response. Let's see if this assumption holds true in our dataset, to ensure that our plot show up in line, we run the map plot lib inline command. Then…
