课程: Machine Learning with Python: Foundations


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Describe your data

Describe your data

- [Instructor] Data exploration is the second of the six stages or steps in the machine learning process. Data exploration is a process of describing, visualizing, and analyzing data in order to better understand it. Data exploration enables us to answer questions such as how many rows and columns are in the data. What type of data do we have? Are there missing, inconsistent, or duplicate values in the data? In machine learning, we use certain key terms to describe the structure and nature of our data. The term instance refers to a row of data. An instance is an individual independent example of the concept represented by the data set. A data set consists of several instances. An instance is sometimes referred to as a record or an observation. In this example, each loan application is represented by an instance. Each instance is described by a set of attributes or features. A feature refers to a column of data. A…
