课程: Linux System Engineer: Web Servers and DNS Using Apache, NGINX, and BIND
Web servers with Apache, NGINX, and Bind - Red Hat Enterprise Linux教程
课程: Linux System Engineer: Web Servers and DNS Using Apache, NGINX, and BIND
Web servers with Apache, NGINX, and Bind
- [Grant] With 70% of global market share, Apache, NGINX, and BIND, dominate internet web and DNS server space. Being able to manage these servers is imperative to being a Linux system engineer. In this course we install bind and create a caching only DNS server. Using Apache and basic OS we can create a private password protected website. We then expand this configuration to include access control for group collaboration. Then we move on to creating virtual hosts running on standard and non-standard ports. Utilizing a TLS private key we create a secure name-based virtual host. Also, we use NGINX to create its version of virtual host. I'm Grant McWilliams, computer science instructor and Linux enthusiast. Join me now in my course, Linux System Engineer: Web and DNS Servers using Apache, NGINX, and BIND. Let's get started.