课程: Level Up: Java
Setting up the Codespace
- [Instructor] Within our code space, there are few things already set up for you. One is Java 17. It's already installed and ready to go. You can double check this by running java-- version in your terminal. There it is, Java 17. Another thing that's set up is a dependency manager called Maven. Maven is a tool that allows you to easily import external libraries into your code, allowing you to create more sophisticated applications. You can verify that Maven is set up with mvn-- version, and there it is. Now, after we solve our challenges, we need to make sure they work as expected. I'll be writing automated tests for each challenge using JUnit, which is a unit testing framework that allows us to easily verify our solutions. JUnit is not built into Java, so we've added it as a dependency using Maven. It's linked in our POM file, which is the Maven way for configuring dependencies in a Java program. If we ever run into a new concept or technology that's interesting to you, I encourage you to look at the LinkedIn learning library and find courses that go deeper into that topic. Here, we'll scratch the surface of a bunch of topics in the hopes of pulling it all together in a practical challenge. After walking through each solution, I'll also provide suggestions for how to improve and continue adding on to these programs. Let's get started.