课程: Learning YouTube Analytics
Overview dashboard
- [Instructor] Before we get into all the nitty-gritty analytic stuff, I wanted to give you a tour of the Analytic Overview dashboard. You can get there by going to your YouTube studio and clicking on the Analytics tab on the left. The dashboard can give you an added glance view of your YouTube analytics, so you can quickly gauge how your channel is doing. At the top of the dashboard is a Date Range, which allows you to control the time frame for the analytics. You can choose based on days, years, months, or you can even put in a custom time frame. For now, I'm just going to leave it set to the 28 days. Along the top of the dashboard, you can see how many views, watch time, and subscribers you've gained or lost along with the percentage that compares your analytics with the previous time frame. By moving your mouse along the chart below, you can also see exact numbers for each day. And next to these at the top you also get an estimated revenue for the current time frame. If you want to get even more in-depth info from any of these categories, you can click the See More button at the bottom, but we'll skip that for now. Below this is a section that shows you your top performing videos and how many views they've gotten in each time period. This can be helpful to see which videos are performing better than others. Again, you can click the See More button to get more in-depth info, but we'll also skip that for now. Finally, next to that is your real time activity section, which shows you live updating analytics for the past 48 hours. This is pretty exciting as all other YouTube analytics tend to have around a two to three day delay. So, if you want the most up to date data, this is the section for you. At the top, you see a breakdown chart showing exactly how many views you've gotten for each hour. This can be a handy tool in identifying when your viewers are active online. Below this is a section displaying your top performing videos for the past 48 hours and this can be extremely useful for notifying you when a specific video might be going viral. You can also click the See More button to get a more in-depth breakdown for the past 60 minutes as well. So, now that you know how to read the overview dashboard, you'll be able to quickly gauge how your channel is doing.