课程: Learning SAP Human Capital Management
SAP HCM overview
- Companies can't do what they do best without the right people. And all these people need to be hired effectively, paid properly, have the right benefits, and get scheduled to work at the right time and place. These human resources processes, along with many more, are all covered in the SAP Human Capital Management module. Let's take a look. Companies can't do what they do best without the right people. And all these people need to be hired effectively, paid properly, have the right benefits, and get scheduled to work at the right time and place. These human resources processes, along with many more, are all covered in the SAP Human Capital Management module. The Human Capital Management module, often referred to as SAP HCM, has a ton of capabilities, and these capabilities are broken down into different areas. For most of us, when we think of HR, the first thing that comes to mind is personnel management, and this is where we're going to spend the bulk of our time in this course. There are many sub areas of personnel management. First, we'll look at personnel administration. Personnel administration is where we organize all of our employee data, like employee names, addresses, bank details, tax information, and job roles. An SAP gives us the option of maintaining hundreds of other fields using a tool called Infotypes. We'll talk extensively about Infotypes later in this course in the video titled HCM, Master Data, and Infotypes. The next sub area of personnel management is recruitment. It's never been more important to have the right people in the right job roles, and recruitment helps enable the easy scaling up or the scaling down of hiring efforts across the entire organization. Next in personnel management is benefits administration. Benefits administration is highly customizable so there's a ton of flexibility to offer employees benefits packages to suit their needs with the right health insurance and paid family leave. Next, compensation management is the area where we can customize how to pay employees to make sure the company can retain them. This also ties into budgeting to help organizations plan their short and long-term budgets for their employees. Then, there's personnel development and talent management. These are the areas that handle things like performance appraisals and career planning. It can be so difficult to find the right employees that it often makes the most sense to develop talent within an organization. These areas support those efforts. The final sub area of personnel management we'll talk about is organizational management. This is where the organizational hierarchy is defined. Different job positions and how they relate to each other, like who reports to who, are defined in organizational management. Now, we'll move into personnel time management. This area handles all of our scheduling and recording for time worked and for absences. This all feeds the data in payroll to ensure employees are paid accurately. Payroll and SAP has many localization possibilities. This means payroll and time management is run according to the local laws of the country and state where the work is taking place. Finally, we have training and event management, which is used to plan and manage training events or conventions. It integrates directly with personnel development so training proposals for an employee can be converted right into a training invite for an upcoming course. Like all SAP modules, human capital management offers robust reporting. There are over 200 standard HCM reports available that offer current information. From managing employee information and benefits to payroll and training, human capital management helps large organizations get real-time insights and make better decisions for all their human resources processes.