课程: Learning PowerPoint Online (Microsoft 365)
Dictate slide content
- [Instructor] Dictate is one of the office intelligent services. While using Dictate words spoken into a microphone are converted into typed text on a slide. Now, before we get started working with this, you will need to make sure that your microphone has been enabled with the browser that you're working in. And if it's the first time that you're using your microphone in this browser, when you select Dictate here, on the home ribbon, it's going to prompt you to allow the microphone to work within the browser. I've already done that. And you'll notice up here, this microphone right here, it's letting me know that this page is accessing my microphone. Okay, now, before we select Dictate and we would do that by clicking on the microphone right where this command is on the home ribbon, before we do that we're going to select this downward facing arrow and that takes us to the menu where you can choose the language you're going to be speaking. You'll notice that mine is set to English US right now, and if we scroll through this list these are all of the supported languages, and the preview languages section, these are the newer languages that have been recently added that are also supported. There's quite a few that they have recently added. Look at this, all of these supported languages. All right, we're going to go back to the top. We'll leave it set to English US. I'm going to click outside of this menu to get that menu to close, and I'm going to place my mouse cursor right here. This is where we're going to start having the words that are spoken, typed as text here within this container. Let's go ahead and select dictate. Now, when I do this, I'm not going to quite do it yet. When I do this, you're going to hear an audible sound. That's just a alerting that the microphone has been activated. You're also going to see a red dot appear over the microphone. That's your visual cue that the microphone has been activated. Let's get it going. (audible sound) Day one. Next line, workshops. Next line, sessions. Day two. We'll go ahead and turn dictate off. So, what you may have noticed is that as I'm speaking it is capturing those words and it is placing it within that container. And when I say something like next line, it understands that I want to drop down to the next bullet or the next line of a paragraph, depending on what you're typing. Now, I was also interacting with this on the keyboard and you may not have noticed that I was pressing the tab key to indent to the next level of this bullet list here. And then, I also went ahead and selected with my mouse over in this container and had it add some text there as well. So, while you're speaking, you can make selections to different containers for where you want that text to be placed. You can also use your mouse cursor to go in and make some edits if something doesn't quite work right. Like, I noticed here that it didn't capitalize this D. We can go ahead and make a correction with that as well. I might want to spell two out so that it matches what I have on the left container there as well. It understands all sorts of punctuation. So, if you say, period, it's going to add a period, comma, add a comma, question mark, exclamation point. You know, I gave you the example of new line but it also understands semicolon, colon, quotes, whether that's an open quote, closed quote. So, all sorts of stuff that you're able to do to really interact with this Dictate command. Now, this Dictate command is also available in other office applications. So, this might be something that might work really well for you when you're composing a message in Outlook or when you are crafting a letter, or some sort of a document, in Word. So, I encourage you to check it out. I think it can be a real time saver, especially when you're multitasking, and maybe you're looking at some printed documents and you want to kind of get those thoughts into this presentation or get those thoughts into One Note, whatever it is you might be working with, Dictate can be the way to go.