课程: Learning OneNote Online (Microsoft 365)
Creating sections and pages
- [Instructor] Depending on which OneNote application you're working with, when you create a new notebook you may have one untitled section automatically included and then within that section one untitled page to get you started with capturing your notes. This Red30 tech events notebook that I just created in this one note for the web app doesn't have any sections or pages yet. You'll notice here we are in the section panel there's nothing listed. In this panel, there's nothing listed. This is the page panel. Well, over to the right, this is the area that's reserved to show you the page that you have selected. We don't have anything yet and it's indicating that this notebook is empty and that you can either click in this area or press the Enter key to create a new section. Let's do that. Let's go ahead and click in this area and that starts the process of creating a new section. We do need to give this section a name and I'm going to call this Makers Conference. Press Enter or select Okay. And here is the new section that was just added. It has a color tab next to it that's auto assigned. That can be updated. And then over to the right while this section is selected here's the untitled page that's included with that section. To update the name of a page you're going to go over to the page area so this is the page area that's displayed. We don't have any notes yet, but notice there is a date and time stamp indicating when this page was created. And then there's a divider line above that. Above that divider line that's of the reserved space for entering the name of this page. The blinking cursor indicates that I can start that process now, if you do not see a blinking cursor there you'll want to select that area with your mouse to be able to start typing. All right, I'm going to go ahead and type this in. As I do, I'd like you to notice over here how the page name updates in this page panel area. We're going to call this the convention center available dates and I'm going to abbreviate convention. And as I type that in it has updated the name of the page here in the panel. There's of course, a couple of other ways that you can add sections and you can add pages to a notebook. Another method is to select add section here at the bottom of the section panel and that starts the same process where you will give the section a name. let's call this IOT workshops. And then we'll select okay. And there is the new section that's just been added and notice it has a different color assigned to it for the color tab. And it includes one untitled page. To add sections or pages with the context menu, you'll go to one of the sections or the pages, you'll have the mouse pointer over that. Right-click and then make your selection from the menu. Because I right clicked over a page, I can add a new page with this method. If I come over here to section and right click over a section, I have the choice to add a new section or to add a new page to that section that I have selected. To rename a section, you can also use that right click context menu as well. So if I go to IOT workshops and right-click, the very first choice is renamed section. I'm going to go ahead and select that and I'm going to correct this to be singular instead of plural and then select okay. For pages, if you need to change the name of that you'll simply do that within the page name area that's reserved here at the top. And that's how you can quickly organize your notebook with new sections and pages.
Launching the OneNote app from Microsoft 3653 分钟 31 秒
Creating a new OneNote notebook in OneDrive3 分钟 17 秒
Creating a new OneNote notebook in MicrosoftTeams6 分钟 11 秒
Creating sections and pages3 分钟 32 秒
Inserting files on a page4 分钟 16 秒
Inserting typed notes3 分钟 15 秒
Inserting meeting details your from Outlook calendar2 分钟 39 秒
Capturing spoken works with Dictate3 分钟 1 秒
Recording audio in OneNote3 分钟 9 秒