课程: Learning Linux Shell Scripting

The if statement

- [Narrator] Writing code in a straight line, where one line always executes after the next can't take us very far. In order to write useful scripts, we need the ability to make decisions. The if statement allows us to do that. The basic form of the if statement is if-then-fi. If is a test to see if an expression is true. If it is true, then the commands between the then and the fi are executed. Fi sounds funny but has no deep meaning. It is simply if backwards and denotes the end of the if statement. From the terminal let's create a new script named if.sh. So we're gonna do a touch if.sh. And then we'll say change mode 755 if.sh. And finally atom if.sh. First thing we'll do is add the shebang and we'll set a variable and set it to the input from the user. And we'll compare, so we'll say if dollar string color equals blue. Because we are comparing two strings, the strings are either equal or they're not. We use the equal sign to check if they're the same. And the bang equal to check if they're not. If the expression is true, then the commands in between the then and the fi are executed. So, we're gonna say then and echo the color is blue. And then fi. Now let's compare two variables that hold numbers. So we'll create another variable and we'll call it user guess. And we'll set this equal to the input parameter two and set the computer's value equal to 50. And we're gonna have an if, dollar sign user, underscore guess. And in this case we're gonna say dash lt which stands for less than, computer. We have a lot more options when we're comparing two numbers. The first variable can be equal to the second. They can be not equal. The first can be less than the second or it can be less than or equal to the second. Or it can be greater than or greater than and equal to. So we have a lot more compares when we use Boolean values. Alright so then we're gonna do a then and if it's less than we're going to echo out you're too low. And then put the fi and save this with the control s. Go back to the terminal and then execute the script. And we're gonna put in a color first and so we'll just say orange. And then we'll put in a value and we'll say 40. And in this case we get a you're too low. And if we try it one more time only this time we say 60 which we know is too high, we notice we get no output at all because we're only printing when the color matches and the value is too low. So that's the basics of the if statement.
