课程: Learning Kubernetes


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Install Docker on Linux

Install Docker on Linux

- [Instructor] Docker is the container engine that will help us spin up a Kubernetes cluster on our computer. Let's find out how to install Docker on Linux. First, let's find out what Linux distribution and version I'm running, with lsb_release -a. I'm running Ubuntu version 22.04. Next, let's follow along with the instructions titled "Install using the repository." First thing I have to do is set up the repository, so I'm going to copy this command, sudo apt-get update, and paste it in my terminal. This may take a while. Next, I'm going to copy and paste this command. I'm going to click Yes, and wait. The next instruction is to add Docker's official GPG key. We'll copy and paste this command, and then the next curl command. All right, looks like we're good. Next, we're going to run this command to set up the repository. All right, looks good. Now the exciting part. Let's run "sudo apt-get update" one more…
