课程: Learning JavaScript Debugging

What you should know

- [Instructor] Let's talk about what you should know to get the most out of this course. You should understand HTML and CSS at an intermediate level or so. Almost every example we're looking at here will be based in HTML, but we won't be talking through any of the specifics. For JavaScript, beginning to intermediate is good. You should be familiar with ES5, the version of JavaScript that runs in every environment out of the box. ES6 wasn't required to illustrate how debugging works, so I've left it out. Along with Vanilla JavaScript, other JavaScript libraries and frameworks will appear, especially jQuery, React and Node. We'll talk through the parts of these that we need to in order to understand the examples, but you don't need to be an expert in any of them to understand what we're doing. These examples could point you in some other directions you'll want to explore in a little more depth later.
