课程: Learning Java 17
Explore the IntelliJ IDEA
- [Instructor] Let's explore the IntelliJ IDE. Every large scale program you create should be its own IntelliJ project. Since we're learning the fundamentals in this course, we'll be using one project for the whole course. Let's click New Project. We'll set up some configurations. One configuration is the Java version. What version of Java will we be using to write and run our code? We just downloaded Java 17. So we'll use that option. If Java 17 isn't showing up, make sure you have the JDK for Java 17 downloaded. In fact, you can actually use IntelliJ to directly download specific Java versions. From here, we'll select Next, Next, and now we'll name our project learning Java and we'll create a new folder for it on our desktop. We're ready to create our project. Let's click Finish. All right, IntelliJ is configured. Let's walk through how to use it. On the left we have the navigation pane. This allows us to navigate to different files in our project. For example, the .idea folder holds metadata about the IntelliJ project. Now the most important folder here is the SRC folder or the source code folder. This is where the main code for our Java program will live. And it's where we'll spend most of our time. We also have in a external library section. This is where the JDK is linked. At the top right hand corner, there's some buttons that allow us to run and debug our program. We'll talk more about what debugging means later on in the course but this play button is all we'll need in order to compile and run our program. Right now, the button is grayed out and that's because we haven't written any code yet. There's no Java program to run. Let's write some Java code.