课程: Learning Excel Online (Microsoft 365)

Assist others using the Accessibility Checker

课程: Learning Excel Online (Microsoft 365)

Assist others using the Accessibility Checker

- [Instructor] Some of you may be aware that there is an accessibility standard for IT applications, which is all about making documents more accessible for people with disabilities. Luckily, there is a simple way to check for this in Excel Online. If you'd like to follow along then have Excel access open from your exercise file pack. Let's take this workbook that has a relatively simple pie chart. If we navigate to the Review menu and then select Check Accessibility, you'll notice that an error message appears over on the right-hand side. You may just need to click on the arrow here to see the explanation of what's missing and where. The error says missing alt text, which is alternative text and Excel Online is telling us that this error is in chart one. Now, alt text is used to assist people with disabilities. In this case, visually impaired people who may have trouble viewing the chart and need a text description instead. So if we now go to the pie chart over here on the left-hand side and then right click, then select Alt Text. We can go ahead and type in some alternate text for the chart. The title that I'm going to give the chart is a summary of annual profit by company. The description here is optional, so let's just go ahead now and click on OK and rerun the accessibility checker by clicking on Recheck. Okay, with the recheck having now been completed, you'll notice that there are no accessibility issues found now. And Excel online is telling us that people with disabilities should not have difficulty reading the content. Now, at the bottom of the screen, you'll notice that there is a hyperlink, if you wish to explore more information about making documents more accessible, including Excel Online files Why not check it out at your leisure?
