课程: Learning C#

Setting up your environment - C#教程

课程: Learning C#

Setting up your environment

- [Narrator] Before we get started, you'll need to have at least the .NET Core development environment installed on your computer. And if you don't already have .NET installed then in your browser go to .net.microsoft.com and then click on the download button. Now, if this screen looks a little bit different when you visit then you can always just do a web search for .NET install and then just go from there. It should be one of the first two, if not the third entry. So let's go back to the installation. I'll click on download and let's see scroll down a little bit. So you want to make sure that you download the SDK version of .NET so that you can both build and run your apps. So don't just download the runtime version of .NET You need the SDK. So for windows what you're going to download is the .NET SDK and .NET 5.0 is the most current one right now .NET Core and .NET framework are sort of the older legacy ones .NET Framework goes Windows only. .NET Core is cross-platform, but it's older now. So make sure it's at least .NET 5.0 And when you get here it might be a little bit later version, but that's at least the base number of the version that you want. And again, don't choose runtime. You want the .NET SDK. If you're on Linux, again you'll only have the choice of .NET 5.0 or older, choose at least .NET 5.0 and then choose Install.NET and then on Mac, choose download .NET SDK. And alternatively, if you're using a Windows or a Mac you can choose to download the full visual studio IDE itself, the commercial version. And that of course will also install the runtime and SDKs that you need. So once you've downloaded and run the .NET installer, what we're going to do is open up a terminal window. And again, this will work on any computer you have. This will work on Windows, Mac or Linux. So open a terminal window after you've run the installer or gone through the install process for your OS and type .NET--version. This should give you the version number of the .NET that's on your computer. So you can see here, I'm running 5.0.103 and that number might be bigger for you, that's fine. So if running this command results in an error then something went wrong with the .NET installation and you'll need to try it again. Now because we're going to be using the terminal to run our examples in this course, you don't need to install the full visual studio if you don't want to. I'm just going to be using visual studio code the free lighter version of the IDE and actually technically you can use whatever code editor that you want. So if you want to use visual studio code as well then you can download it from code.visualstudio.com. So once you have .NET and your favorite editor installed then you are ready to proceed with the course.
