课程: JavaScript: Five Advanced Challenges and Concepts

How this course works

- [Instructor] This course is part learning and part doing. Each chapter covers an advanced JavaScript topic, starting with a real world coding problem. Next, providing examples and background on how to address this type of problem and finally presenting you with two coding challenges. A basic implementation of the coding approach and an advanced challenge tied more closely to real world use. To facilitate all of this I'm providing lots of learning materials for you. For the learning part, there's a GitHub repository with all the code examples. You can work with them in GitHub Codespaces by going to the repository, clicking the code button, selecting Codespaces, and creating a new Codespace. This gives you an editor in the browser in the cloud that you can work with or you can clone this repository to your computer and work with the files locally in your preferred IDE. The examples are organized in folders named for the chapter and video you're watching. So chapter three, video two is folder 0302B where the B stands for the beginning state of the code as the video starts. The corresponding 0302E folder holds the completed code at the end of the video for comparison. The GitHub repository also holds standalone proposed solutions for each of the coding challenges in this course. You can run these in Codespaces or on your computer using Node. Having said that, I encourage you to try to solve the coding challenges on your own, then watch my solution videos to see how I solved the challenge, and then go look at the solutions in this repo for review. Remember, these coding challenges are not graded tests. They are advanced exercises for you to enforce your learning and sharpen your JavaScript skills. So cheating here has no purpose. Speaking of, the coding challenges at the end of each chapter appear when you click on the challenge link in the courses table of contents. Each challenge includes instructions and a couple of code editors you can use to create and test your own solutions to the challenge. These challenges are hosted by CoderPad and they appear in the same area of the course page as when you watch the videos of the course. I recommend using a desktop browser for the best experience with coding challenges but you can use the LinkedIn Learning mobile app if you prefer. The code Challenge has four areas. Instructions in the top left, a code editor for your answer in the top right, another code editor where you see how your code is used and tested in the bottom right and a console for output in the bottom left. You can use the drag handles to change and allocate space as you like. To get even more horizontal space for the code editors you can collapse the course's table of contents on the left-hand side in the course view. For each challenge, the goal of the challenge is explained in the instructions, so I encourage you to read these instructions in detail before you try to solve the challenge. Create your answer in the top right hand code editor, there are comments in the starting code showing you where to put your solution, and sometimes there may be multiple locations where you're supposed to put in your own code. Once you have a solution, like for example this, you can click on the test my code button in the bottom right hand corner to see if you pass the test. If you pass the test, you get a message saying such and everything is fine. If you don't pass the test, maybe you put in something incorrect, then you'll either get an error message like this, or you'll get a message telling you that there's something else wrong. In that case, you can choose to turn on show expected results to see the expected results by setting false to true here and you can also choose to turn on show hints. This will give you hints about how to solve the challenge. When you finish each coding challenge, return to the course table of contents and click on the next video to see my solution.
