课程: JavaScript: Arrays

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course provides a beginner to intermediate level overview of JavaScript array methods. You absolutely do not need to be an expert or senior level developer, but this course does require a basic understanding of JavaScript. Advanced knowledge is not required for this course. If you're just starting out, this will be a great way to further your knowledge of JavaScript, specifically with array methods. If you have a few years of development experience under your belt, this will help you sharpen your skills. You should be comfortable using and understanding arrays, objects, and functions. Additionally, you should be familiar with how to use your favorite text editor and your terminal. Again, just a basic, familiar level is all that's needed for this course. You do not have to be a master with the terminal or JavaScript. For this course, I'll be using Visual Studio Code, or VS Code, and it's built-in terminal. Please use whatever text editor and terminal that you feel most comfortable using. It does not have to be VS Code. In order to run the code we will be writing, you will need to install Node.js on your machine if it is not already installed. For more information on how to get set up with Node.js, please go to nodejs.org/en/download. We will be using Node to run our exercise files and see the array methods at work. In order to run the files in Node, you'll need to navigate to the directory that the files are stored in within your terminal. Then you'll type node and the name of the file. Make sure to include the file's extension, which will be js in all of these files. That's all you'll need for this course. Now let's get started.
