课程: Java Memory Management: Values and References

What is Java memory?

- [Instructor] You probably have heard of memory in computer science quite a bit. A computer has memory, and the most common memory is the RAM. The random access memory. The RAM is crucial for storing, and accessing data while the programs are running the applications they are using the RAM for this. And the applications can access this very quickly. And if your OS is managing this RAM well, then there is enough RAM memory available, you'll enjoy the performance of the application. Examples of the RAM memory in action are the loading of applications such as when you're opening your browser, it needs to load first, and the same goes when you want to go ahead, and edit a Word document, you have to open Word first. And the first time you open something, it often takes a bit long, but when you close it and you open it again, it will be faster, and this is because it's still load in the RAM memory. And when the rum gets full, this means that your computer will get very slowly. You may notice this principle from firsthand experience. Don't worry. You're not at the wrong course. I'm telling you this because this is something you could probably easily relate to in a way that your computer memory works, and the OS is managing this computer memory. It's actually very similar to the way that Java memory works as well. Java memory is responsible for storing the data the Java application needs in order to run. For example, all the instances in the Java application, they're stored in each a Java memory. All the primitive values stored in a Java memory. Constance, Java memory. Fields and metadata, methods codes, native methods, the order in which methods are called, and the memory necessary to run an Info methods, you may have guessed it, but this is all in the Java memory. The Java memory is managed by the JVM, and you'll learn more about this later. Let's see why we actually want to know how this memories is working in the next video.
