课程: Java for All Platforms: Desktop, Web, and Mobile Development
Picking a Java IDE - Java教程
课程: Java for All Platforms: Desktop, Web, and Mobile Development
Picking a Java IDE
- [Narrator] There are many different options for writing Java applications. So let's talk about which IDE we're going to be using for this course, and why. With Java, you could keep it as simple as writing it in a text editor and compiling and building through a command line. Now, I personally don't prefer that option, because when I develop Java applications I want features like a debugger, source control support, the ability to have code hinting, et cetera. So I like to use an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, that has all of those features. So, the main options for those, or rather the three most popular, are Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Apache NetBeans. Let's go over the features of these that make them desirable. Eclipse has a free version available. Is cross platform. And supports multiple languages. Well, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans have those same features as well. In previous iterations of the course, we used Eclipse. The reason for that, was that it was a popular tool for many different languages. In this version of the course, I'm going with IntelliJ IDEA. Because over the past several years, I've grown to prefer IntelliJ IDEA for Java development. Because of its many features regarding Java development specifically, it's robust Git support, and, perhaps most importantly, it's what Android Studio is based off of. So if I'm going to be doing Android development, I don't need to learn two different user interfaces, keyboard shortcuts, et cetera. So that's why I prefer IntelliJ IDEA. All of these options, however, are great and valid. So, again, for this course will be doing IntelliJ IDEA. And as we go through IntelliJ, I'm going to talk about various features of IntelliJ. But the course is not an IntelliJ course. So we're going to try to keep it focused on Java and features that you're going to find in Eclipse and NetBeans as well. So let's get into IntelliJ and start writing some Java.