课程: Java: Advanced Concepts for High-Performance Development

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] Before we start the course, let's have a look at how you can get started with the code examples. The code for this course is available on GitHub. So, first you'll need to go to the repository for this course. The next step is to clone the repository. So to do that, I'm going to click on the green button that says Code and I'm going to copy the URL that's inside the box. The next step is to open up your Terminal, if you're on Mac. or Command Prompt, if you're on Windows. I'm on Mac, so I'm going to open up my Terminal. And the next step is to change directory to where you want to download the code. You can put this anywhere you like. I'm just going to put it on my desktop. So I'm going to say cd, which stands for change directory and then I'm going to type in Desktop and press Enter. Then the command to download the code is git clone. So, I'm going to say git clone and then I'm going to paste that URL that's I just copied and press Enter. So, now I've downloaded the code and the next step is to open up your IDE. I'll be using IntelliJ. So, I'm going to open up IntelliJ and then I'm going to click on the Open button. Then I'm going to go to my desktop and I can see I've got my code there. And as this is a Maven project, it works a bit better in IntelliJ if you actually select the pom.xml file and then click Open. Then you can choose Open as Project and that will load up the Maven projects for you. Also note that this is a Maven project, but you don't actually need to download Maven to use this, because it uses a tool called Maven Wrapper which will download Maven for you. So, now I've got my code and I've got it open in my IDE. You'll see that there is a folder called Source and inside that there's a folder called Main. And inside Main there's one called Java. Inside the Java folder, there is a package for each video in the course. So, for example, for 0201, there is a package called _02_01. Most of them also contain two subdirectories, one called Before which contains the state of the code at the start of the video, and one called End which contains the code at the end of the video. So, that's all you need to get started with the code for this course.
