课程: ISO/IEC 42001:2023: Understanding and Implementing the Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) Standard

Context of organization: Clause 4

- [Instructor] Imagine you and your coworkers are invited onto a field. Your boss places a ball in front of you that takes the form of something neither you nor your coworkers have ever seen. Facing your coworkers is another team from another company. Before your boss walks away, he says, "Ready? Play!" Well, wait a second. This is your first time seeing a ball that looks like this. What are you playing? What are the goals and objectives of the game? What are my teammates' and my roles and responsibilities? Who are we competing with? How do we know we are winning? The growth of AI tooling and applications has been so rapid that many professionals may ask the same questions about AI. Clause 4 is the context of the organization. It has four subclauses. 4.1 is understanding the organization and its context. 4.2 is understand the needs and expectations of interested parties. 4.3, determining the scope of the AI management system, and 4.4, the AI management system. Let's focus on Clause 4.1. This requires that there has to be an understanding of the organization and its context. Each organization needs to be understood. The context would include the issues with achieving its intended results. What is the purpose of using AI? And what are the intended results sought? For example, the internal and external purposes and issues differ widely from finance to healthcare to law enforcement. Within the understanding of its context, the organization would define whether it is fundamentally a user, developer, or provider of AI. Let's consider a scenario that can spotlight the delineation of the roles, responsibilities, and issues related to AI. For example, let's say that the fictitious bank lender AI organization called Bank Lender AI is the user. Their business purpose is to provide fair and equitable loans. While doing this, they want to mitigate fraud. Their fraud-hunting algorithm uses machine learning to find improper transactions and application data unseen by humans that trigger alerts. We will use the bank lender example as an anchor for showing how the requirements of the aims, our artificial intelligence management system, may be applied to an entity. In our example, the developer of the AI fraud algorithm is an external organization. The user and developer must maintain integrity and accuracy of fraud detection. The provider is another company that bundles the fraud-hunting algorithm into a SaaS product and host it on their cloud platform. The provider wants to ensure the availability and performance meet the agreed service levels. Each of these organizations may have differing issues or share issues that would be both internal and external. Next, let's examine some examples of internal and external issues that can develop with AI and their associated roles and responsibilities.
