课程: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

Brute-force attacks

- [Instructor] For as long as cybersecurity experts have used encryption to protect sensitive information, attackers have sought to undermine that security and gain unauthorized access to data. Over the centuries, attackers have developed a number of techniques designed to help them crack cryptographic algorithms. Brute-force attacks are the simplest form of attack against a cryptographic system. In a brute-force attack, the attacker simply guesses repeatedly at the encryption key until they stumble upon the correct value for that key, and then gain access to the encrypted information. Now, of course, guessing isn't easy, and brute-force attacks can take a very long time to complete if they even ever succeed. Brute-force attacks require very little information to wage. The attacker simply needs to have an example of encrypted text. For this reason, brute-force attacks are also called known ciphertext attacks. Earlier in this course, I shared an example of a simple rotation cipher that simply moves each of the letters of the alphabet a certain number of places. For example, a cipher with a shift of one changes As to Bs, Bs to Cs, and so on. And with a shift of three, As become Ds, Bs become Es, and so on. Now, this is a very simple cipher because there are only 25 possible keys. If you shift the letters 26 places, the As become As and the Bs become Bs, and the ciphertext is the same as the plain text. If you shift 27 places, it's the same as shifting them one place. In a situation like this where there are only 25 possibilities, we say that the keyspace or the list of all possible keys is small. There are only 25 different encryption keys, and someone conducting a brute-force attack would only have to guess at most 25 times before cracking the key. Now, modern algorithms generally aren't susceptible to brute-force attacks. Consider a very short key that only uses 56 bits of encryption, such as the outdated data encryption standard. That's 56 digits that may each be occupied by either a one or a zero. Now, that might not sound like very much, but it leaves 72 quadrillion possibilities, making it hard to guess the decryption key. You'd need to guess 72 quadrillion times. If you use the more modern advanced encryption standard, you'll find that the numbers become unpronounceable. A 128-bit key has this many possibilities, and a 256-bit key has this many. Now, as I mentioned, brute-force attacks simply aren't possible against modern encryption algorithms with strong key lengths. There is one exception to that however. If there's a flaw in the way that the encryption algorithm works that limits the size of the key space, brute-force attacks may be possible against that weak implementation of the cryptographic system.
