课程: Introduction to Bluebeam Revu 20

Getting started

- [Instructor] Let's get this course started by making sure that your screen looks like my screen, and let's open the sample construction drawing that comes with Bluebeam Revu so we can use that to practice with. I also want to start by standardizing some terminology so that you know what I'm referring to as I point things out during the course. Starting at the top of the screen, I'll refer to these as the menu tabs, and when you click on each one of these a drop-down menu appears below it to give you access to more functions and features. Moving over to the left side of the screen, I'll refer to these as panel access icons or panel access tabs. When you click on each one of these, a panel slides open, and it gives you access to more tools and features, and I'll explain each of these as we go through the course. For now, let's close those panel access tabs, and continue on down to the bottom left corner of the screen. I'm going to refer to this as the Markup list access tab or access icon, and when you hover over each one of these icons it'll tell you what it's for. So you'll see I'm hovering over it, it says Markups. If I click on it, the Markup list slides open. Now, anytime we have one of these lists or access panels that slides open, you'll see that I can put the cursor at the top of that panel, and I can drag it up or down to make it larger or smaller, depending on what it is I want to see on the screen. Let's click again to close the Markup list. And, finally, over on the right side of the screen we have our toolbars, and you'll see, right now, each of these tools is grayed out, but that will change as soon as I open a sample document. Now before we open the sample document, let's make sure that your settings are the same as my settings by going to the Revu tab, upper left corner of the screen. I'll click on that once, and you'll see that I'm in Markup Mode. I know that I'm in Markup Mode because the icon next to Markup Mode is blue. So if you're in View Mode, click once on Markup Mode to make sure you're there, otherwise, a lot of the tools and features that I'm going to show you won't be enabled. So you need to be in Markup Mode to get started. Next, I want you to go highlight the Profiles menu item. You see, when I do that, currently Bluebeam has four profiles built into it. Now this may change as Bluebeam releases different versions, but I think these'll be the four basic profiles that they always include, that's Revu, Revu Advanced, Quantity Takeoff, and Field Issues. And I'm going to explain profiles in the next video. For now, I just want you to make sure that you're in the Revu profile. And if you don't see a check mark next to Revu, click on it once so that you're in the Revu profile. Finally, let's open that sample drawing that I mentioned. We'll do that by going to the Help menu tab, click on that once, we'll go down to Welcome to Revu, and click on that. When I do that, it opens this dashboard and I have the option, down at the bottom, to Open a Sample File, which I'll do by clicking once. Now, if your screen split into two like mine just did, we're going to go ahead and close this screen so that all we have showing is the floor plan, and we do that by going up to the Welcome to Revu tab, clicking the X to close it. Now we just have our sample drawing open, and you may have noticed over on the right side of the screen that all of my Markup tools in these toolbars are now enabled. Now the reason that I wanted to make sure that our screens look the same, as we get started, is that Bluebeam allows us to really change the look and layout of the entire user interface, meaning that I can customize which buttons, and icons, and toolbars are visible, and where on the screen they're located. We'll take a look at that next.
