课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn

The power of a call to action (CTA) - LinkedIn教程

课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn

The power of a call to action (CTA)

(Morgan sighing) - Morgan, what are you doing? We're starting like now. Like what? - What, what, what? - Get over here. Cut. (woman giggling sheepishly) - I'm fishing. - Fishing? What do you mean fishing? - Fishing for great call to actions. For content. - Oh. So you're reeling them in? - Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. - Okay. - Sometimes people can love your content, yet you're not giving them any call to actions to take a next step, so people might not engage. - Oh, so you got to reel them in? - Yes. - I'm still running with that joke, you know? - Yeah. (both laughing) And you can, and that's what we're going to talk about today, is how to have great call to actions in your content so people engage with you and it builds a strong community moving forward. - Mm, so let's go fishing. - Let's do it. - All right. Let's go. - Join us. (upbeat music) - Welcome to Insider Tips and Tricks for creators on LinkedIn. I'm Cher Jones. I'm a corporate trainer and speaker who specializes in personal branding for the hybrid work world. - And I'm Morgan J Ingram, three times LinkedIn top sales voice, B2B influencer, and content creator. Most people. - I interrupted you. I'm sorry. - Yeah, yeah. You know. Let me. - Most people interrupt. - They do. But really what we need to do is focus so. - Focus, yeah. We're going to go back. So. - Yeah. - Most people won't take action unless you tell them to. - Or if you interrupt. - Yes. Like that happened right there. So one are the bigger obstacles in your content creation journey will be creating good content and not having call to actions to the audience to tell them where to go. Millions of pieces of content are being produced daily. So within seconds, just like I got interrupted earlier, you can lose your audience if there is no call to action. - Yeah. Exactly. - You don't always need one. However, you need to start thinking about how you can incorporate them in your content. There's a lot of noise out there. - A of lot of interruptions. - And there's a lot of interruptions. And you want be the lighthouse that people gravitate towards. - Absolutely. So listen, you got to tell them what to do. And that's exactly what we're going to do. In fact, there is a YouTuber that I watch, Sunny Leonard Ducey. I. She's amazing. - She's on point. She's on point. - She's amazing. - She's on point. - She is one of my favorite CTAs out there. She says something like, "Comments are my love language." - Wait, that's a love? I thought there was only five? - No, we're adding six 'cause Sunny's on point. - Okay. Okay. - Right? And you know what? I love that. - Yeah, no, I. - And I think it's an awesome way to get people to comment. So here's my question for you. Do you have a favorite call to action that gets people clicking every single time? - [Morgan] Hmm. - We would love for you to share your favorite CTA in the Q&A or the comments because so it is written so it shall be done. - What is that? Are you in Harry Potter now? - I am bossy. - Okay. - What is going on today with you? All right. So one of my favorite tips is making a list of things that are helpful in number order. They're called a listicle. Then adding at the end of that post, "What would you add?" This includes the audience and makes them feel like they're part of the conversation. As a content creator, you don't want the audience to feel like you're talking at them. You want the audience to feel like you're talking with them and you happen to be the guide. - Okay. - And it develops a better community and you become a person people want to support. - Oh, I love that. Yeah. - And you just want to guide them through it because having a call to action is definitely a solid strategy. But if you are telling people to ring your bell, connect with you, send me a dm, drop your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to tap that like button. - I'm overwhelmed. - All in the same post. - This is a lot. - Yo, my friend. - What am I supposed to do? - That's what I'm saying. Listen, my friend. I need to tell you something. You're doing too much. No, seriously. You're doing too much. - The most. - Yeah. Just give them one thing to do. Did you deliver too much value in that post that you've earned the right to blossom around that much? - Hm. - Probably not. Because it's, like you said, confusing. So, at the end of the day, what you need to do is just tell them to do one thing. And, of course, if you need some ideas, check the Q&A or the comments. - Absolutely. And so let's go into a very, very quick and fun example. - Oh, I love that. - So one thing that I like to do is talk about video games. Oh, yes. Yes, you do. - I mean. I think you all already know that. - Yes. - And so it's one of my themes. So every other Friday I post about my favorite video games, video games that I love, and games that I played growing up. - Okay. - And then at the end of the post I say, "What would you add?" So then it creates an entire conversation. Sometimes people debate me in the comments. Some people are like, "Why'd you lead this game out?" They get angry. But it just leads to just a fun time. And typically I get over a hundred plus comments, and one time I got 450 comments. - Oh. So you are really rocking it in the comments. But those comments also are starting to build relationship with you. - Absolutely. - Right? - Yeah. - So at the end of the day when you're telling people to do things and they're listening to you, you're building relationship. And that's exactly what you want to do. So make sure you get your CTAs on point and make your list of all the different ones you could use. - Yeah, and you don't, you also just, at the end of the day, you don't want to like mess up there. - Yeah. - Like I think a lot of people will be like you said, they'll add all these different call to actions. Or they'll be like, "I don't really know about this." They'll overthink it. Just put something there that engage the audience. - Exactly. Exactly. - Yeah. - Because look at all your comments from all your video game comments. - Absolutely. - I have game I want to add, but we'll talk about. (both laughing) - But now it's time for my favorite part, the recap. (static crackling) Make sure you include the what you would want to add, right? What would you add at the end of the post? Give them one thing to pay attention to. And don't be afraid to test out some new CTAs. - Love it. And let's do this. So now that you've got your CTAs on point, the next episode we are going to help you prepare for all those new creator opportunities that you're getting because you're telling people exactly what to do. So stay tuned. - All right, you all.
