课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn
Make your content stand out on the newsfeed - LinkedIn教程
课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn
Make your content stand out on the newsfeed
- Stop. Well, you can come in. I'm just kidding, I'm kidding. - Whew. Okay. (both laugh) - See what I did there? When it comes to grabbing an audience attention, it's about focusing how to interrupt their pattern so they want to consume your content in the newsfeed. - Exactly 'cause it's all about stopping that scroll. - Absolutely and you want to get your content consumed and you want to make sure that you're putting yourself out there. So we're going to stop here, go back to the desk, and take a deeper dive on this topic. - All right, you ready for some scroll stopping goodness? Let's go. - Let's go. - All right. - We can actually go now. - Oh, you sure? - Yeah. Yeah we can go. (upbeat music) - Welcome to "Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn." I'm Cher Jones. I'm a corporate trainer and speaker who specializes in personal branding for the hybrid workplace. - And I'm Morgan J. Ingram, three times LinkedIn Top Sales Voice B2B Influence and Content Creator. And so we're talking about how to stand out in the newsfeed. The biggest problem though, that you're facing as a content creator is you're competing for everyone's attention in the newsfeed. And it's your job to stop the scroll. - Stop the scroll, stop those scroll. (laughs) - And you're going to have picket signs because it's your content against the entire world. - Exactly. And we all need to do that. And here's the thing, creators, we would love to see and make this a huge learning opportunity for everybody. So, I got a question for you. Do you have a post that did amazing on LinkedIn? We would love for you to share the link along with the number one reason why you think it stood out in the newsfeed, because we are going to learn with you. So jump into the comments or into the Q&A to share your examples. - And so, we're going to jump into a tip right here. When you're looking to make your content stand out you need to be thinking about what are the different frameworks that I can be studying? Now, that doesn't mean that you need to copy and paste someone's content. That's not going to be helpful. And you're most likely going to get called out from that. - Yes, you will. - And we talked about credibility earlier, right? - Yeah. - You want to be credible here. So the thing that I have done very successfully is I go look at people's frameworks that are doing really well in their content and I try to emulate it and make it my own voice. One of the prime examples of that is Gary Vee, or Gary Vaynerchuk. You probably have seen him him before right? - Yeah, just a few times. - Just a couple times. - Gary Vee shuck. Yes. - Yeah, he pumped out a little bit of content. - Here and there. - And so I saw what he was doing and I emulated that framework and my posts are like that, but I added my own style to it. And once I started doing that, I saw 2x in my engagement. And I consistently am trying to find new frameworks to execute on. However, as I tell people, do not copy the person. - No. - You're just looking to understand their framework so you can stand out. And one of my favorite people who has done this is Darren McKee and we're going to talk about him later. - I know, I love that. Okay, so here's the other thing. Once you know what you're going to post about, you got a framework and everything going on, what I want you to do is focus on your headline. If you want to stop the scroll, you've got to spend the time on the headline to get it right. This is your hook. This is your promise. It's what's going to reel them in and keep them scrolling back for more just for you. And if you think about it, your headline goes everywhere, from the title of your LinkedIn Live or audio event, the cover page of a document or carousel post, the thumbnail of your video, or just the first line in your text post. So there's a lot of places. No pressure. But if you do find yourself a little bit stuck, just search the term headline analyzer in Google and you will find dozens of SEO friendly headline writing tools that will help you write yours. All you have to do is pop in a few keyword words and you'll get a ton of options that you can make it your own. There are two other considerations though. - Just two? - Just two. - Okay. - You know I got lots more. Guys, we'll be here all day. (Morgan laughs) So I want you to test this according to... At least you want you to test this and see how it works because according to a few studies, headlines between 40 and 49 characters long tend to get the most views. I get test, test, test, right? - That's good. I like that. - And also, especially on LinkedIn, headlines that share how to or feature list tips and list styles tend to work way better than headlines that just ask a question. - Yeah, I really like that. And I think a lot of people can start, like you said, testing these things and seeing if they can work. And someone who's already been testing a lot of stuff we've been talking about so far is Darren McKee. And so Darren McKee, as we we're going to pull him up here, is one of my favorite people to follow right now because he's taken all these different frameworks, styles, AB testing and he's consistently been posting content for 900 plus days now. - [Cher] Actually, at the time of this recording, it is at least almost a thousand. So that's something that is amazing and you know he has the hits to keep on coming. - [Morgan] Yeah, exactly. He's taken my own frameworks, he's taken some other people that I know and their frameworks, and he's executed and he's made it his own and he is one of the standout brands on LinkedIn right now. - [Cher] Absolutely. Wow. It's pretty good here. - Yeah, absolutely. - I love it. Okay, so what we want to do is make sure you put everything that you've learned into action. I want you to think about the next post that you plan to make on LinkedIn and based off of what you've seen in the video and the examples that all the other creators have shared in the comments, I want you to pick the strategy that stands out and see if it makes your content stand out too. - So as you all know, we got to come back to the recap of this episode. So, study frameworks and develop your own. Look, do not be a copycat, but do look at those frameworks. Second piece is you want to rock your headline. We talked about this quite a bit. Make sure that it stands out, as well. And also be willing to test. Which leads to the last point is don't be afraid to switch it up. Sometimes you might have different content, you might be talking to a different narrative, you might want to change your audience. You don't always have to be the same thing over and over again. Like, I started off in sales development, I've changed to marketing, I've change to content creation. So you can change along the way. - Absolutely and I love that you brought that up. Being able to change along the way and go with the flow but still connect the dots as you change, that's really smart stuff right there. Coming up on the next "Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn," we are going to be talking all about collaboration. - Collab? - Yeah, we could collabing. - Collabing? Okay. - We collabing. We blabbing and collabing. - We're blabbing and collabing? All right. - Yes. 'Cause that's how you can make great content. - That's great. - If you're blabbing about something good. - Yeah. You got to be blabbing about something good though. - Exactly. - Yeah. - Right, so we're going to be talking about how you can collaborate with other LinkedIn creators so that you can double your opportunities 'cause there's a lot of creators right now who are in the comments showing off their content and there might be the perfect person for you to collaborate with. - Absolutely. They could be there. - All right, so let's dip in on the next episode. So, make sure you double your opportunities with us. - All right, see you all. - Bye.