课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn
Create a credible brand message
- Hey, Morgan. - Yeah, what's up? - Have you ever gone to a creator's profile, and you have no idea what they do exactly, but you know they do something cool? - Yeah. - Hey, wait, are you on my profile? - Yeah, it's all, no, it's actually really good. It's a really good profile. Yeah, yeah. - Whoa. Okay, because seriously, that is a big problem. We can know, you know, that they do something amazing, but at the same time, if you don't know exactly what they do and how they help, how can you refer them? - Yeah, there's going to be no way to do that, because as a creator, you want to make sure that you have some credibility on your profile so your audience knows what you're about. - And so that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to dive deep into some tips and tactics on how to create credible brand messaging on your profile. So stay tuned. - Absolutely. - Let's get into this. - Stay tunes Let's do it, let's do it. (reference tone and static hisses) (upbeat music plays) - Welcome to Insider Tips and Tricks For Creators on LinkedIn. I'm Morgan J. Ingram, three-time LinkedIn Sales Voice, B2B influencer, and content creator. - And I'm Cher Jones, a corporate trainer and speaker who specializes in personal branding for the hybrid work world. So, guess what? There are a lot of amazing creators on this platform, and some of them are doing incredibly well. - They are, they are. - They are. They're doing amazingly well. - Some standouts. We got some standouts. - And here's the reason why, is because they're both referable and credible. When you go to their profile, you trust them. When you go to their profile, you know exactly what they do, and how they do it. - Yeah. - Right? And who they help. And as a creator on LinkedIn, you have to make sure that your profile sets you up for success. - Success? - Success. - Yeah. - I want to be successful. - I mean, yeah. You don't want to not be successful. - And we want you to be successful, too. - And that's why you want your profile to look like a digital resume. You don't want people to come on your profile and be like, this is not credible. I don't know what's going on. You want them to know immediately how you could potentially help. - Okay, so here's the thing. I hear the whole digital resume thing, but I think... - But wait, why are you trying to - I'm not trying to hate on your parade, but like- - What's going on? - I just want to upgrade your game. - Okay, okay. - Okay. - I can hear you out. - Okay. So I think it's just way more than a resume, okay? I think it is like a full introduction. - Okay. - Right? I think it is a way to introduce yourself to the world, right? And I think it allows you to showcase all that you do and how you serve now, not just what you did, how you serve now. So it's not just a resume. - It's not just a resume. - That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. - So it's a, what, expansion resume? Do you have a word for it? Like, expand-res? Like, what are we talking about here? - No, it's a full introduction to the world. - Okay. - Yeah. - Okay, so let's talk to you all here. So you're looking at your profile right now. You're trying to wonder, how could I be more credible? One call to action for you all to do right now is look at your profile picture and say, hey, does this even speak to my audience? Does it allow for a good introduction to people? - Yeah, I mean that's high level basic, but it matters. - Basic? You're calling me basic? What's going on here? - No, no, no, no, no. It's just that, okay, the reason why you're bringing it up, - Yeah. - although it is kind of basic, and you know it too because your profile looks good. Not everybody, all creators, we've seen a lot of the creators right now, - Of course. - and not all of them have a profile picture. So that's a proper profile picture. So that's why we addressed that up first. And importantly enough, we had to underline that because that is the deal of the day. - Yeah. - However, once you've addressed the basic, (laughs) what I want you to do- - Oh my goodness - Is write your headline to get them to say hello to your about section. And then in your about section that's what's going to do the talking about you. So when you think about your LinkedIn profile all you have to think about is it's an introduction. It really is. - Not a resume. - Not a resume, not just a resume. There is a resume aspect too. - Okay. Okay. Okay. - But we got to remember that people don't go back to your profile over and over to reread what you've written. - And they might - Maybe, like really and truly you've got one or two chance to make that amazing brand impression. 'Cause there's not all these opportunities to allow me to reintroduce myself that that's it. Right? So it is your job to clearly articulate what it is you do and how you help in the most credible way. Because it's one thing to say it but then let's remember this part for your profile you still got to prove it. - You do have to prove it. Yeah. And I'm going to prove something to you all right now that I don't have basic tips 'cause I don't know what Cher's talking about. So this tip is something that a lot of people don't do which is getting recommendations on their LinkedIn profile. This is one of the best ways to stand out. I recommend to go get at least 10 of them that will allow you to see, make yourself credible to the people that you're looking to speak to. - Here's the thing, I've been slacking on that tip. So like, while we're talking about and joking about the fact that, you know you have to have the great profile picture the recommendations are really good. And so here's something I want to show you, Morgan. And this is an amazing profile. - All right? - So I would like you to meet Janice Gassam Asare. PhD by the way. - This is a very credible profile. - I know. Because the one thing that you see absolutely right away is that she helps, she says I help workplaces become anti-racist. You got her mission right there. - It's too, it's too clear. - And as a creator she couldn't be more clear with her message and her mission. So she comes across consistent and her message is easy to understand. And you see it in her headline. You see it in her, her cover photo. And of course she backs it up in her about section. And so this is really important because at the end of the day she tells you how she makes workplaces become anti-racist. - Yeah. Well thank you for showing that great example. - Right? - Right. 'Cause you can talk about it, but she's being about it. So we love to see that. And so what we would love to see is you ought to take some action here. So take 30 minutes. All right. Put a timer on. Don't care what you have to do. And start looking at your profile and start taking action to make those modifications. - Love it. So at the end of the day, you have to have a clear and simple message that explains exactly what you do. Of course you want to repeat it throughout your profile so it sticks in the minds of the readers, as well as those testimonials are so important. But remember, your content still helps to prove your message and what it says, your- What it says that you can do. So make sure you showcase it in a way like the featured content to ensure that people not only read what you say you do but also see it too. - And so what we're going to do next, Ariel, as we head out of here is the next episode onto the ready. But the next episode is how to Stand Out in the Newsfeed. So stay tuned and check us out. - Yeah. 'Cause we definitely want to stand out. And get noticed. - Yeah. Absolutely. - Yeah. - See me. Bye guys.