课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn
Build networking relationships with other creators - LinkedIn教程
课程: Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn
Build networking relationships with other creators
- Hey, Morgan. - Yeah. - Want to know something? - Huh, yeah, a little bit. - (laughing) Listen, some of the best opportunities that I have ever had as a creator are because of the relationships that I've built right here on LinkedIn. - LinkedIn is an extremely powerful platform. - Oh, absolutely, like, I'm talking opportunities to speak at events or do work with other companies or collaborate on some really cool projects. And the one thing I know for sure is they didn't just happen because we're connected, they happened on purpose. - Yeah, just like this that we're doing right now. - Exactly, it's just not that we know each other. - Exactly, it was very intentional. - Exactly. - And that's why you want to build intentional relationships so you can have intentional outcomes that build long lasting friendships. - Mm-hmm. So, we intend to teach you guys a few things about that. So, if you intend to come along with us- - Intend, we shall. - Yes. And let's do that over there. - Let's go. - All right. (jazzy keys music) - Welcome to "Insider Tips and Tricks for Creators on LinkedIn." I'm Morgan J. Ingram, three-times LinkedIn top sales voice, B2B influencer marketing and content creator. - And I'm Cher Jones, corporate trainer and keynote speaker that specializes in personal branding for the hybrid workplace. Here's the thing, Morgan. - Yeah. - Good things happen when you are intentional about building relationships with other creators on LinkedIn. - Intention is very important. It's a big word. - It's a big word. - It's a big word, Cher. - It is key. I love big words. - Yeah. Okay? - (laughing) Okay. - And here's what happens. You can get solid business relationships and amazing friendships. And here, this is big. - This is big? - Okay, this is huge. Is it? Okay. - Do I need to lean in? - Just lean in a little bit more. And even though this LinkedIn here is not a dating platform. - It's not. - I know more than a few creators who have found the one because they started a solid professional relationship. - All right, be careful about talking about dating on LinkedIn though. - Did you hear what I said? I did. I said started. - Okay, cool, because some people might be like, "oh, now I'm going to go slide in the DMs." And we don't. - No, no, no, no, that's not what we are condoning. - We don't want that. - No, in fact, this is where we're going to be focusing on, professional networking relationships where there's a mutual benefit for both creators. And that could be service bartering or referral sharing or content collaboration or just accountability. - Accountability partners are big. - Oh, it's huge. And they can be powerful for your growth as a creator on this platform. And we want to make sure that we give you a few tips to put them in place. - Yeah, I think what you're talking about is so critical. 'Cause I think only people think of one of those factors. Like yeah, I would, you know, I have someone that I was an accountability partner and we are digital. And we're just like, how do we make sure we're staying on top of all the things that are going on? - Love it, I love it. - However, who would you like to build a networking relationship and why? Let us know in the comments. And if you see a networking opportunity, take advantage of it. - And that's huge. And this is how it starts in the comments or in the Q and A. I can't even say Q and A. (both laughing) - You're too excited. - The community in the Q and A, community. - Community Q and A is a communicate. You just made a new word. - I did. Yeah, so you all, - So that's what we do. - Take that one. That's what we do. All right, so let's get networking. If there is a LinkedIn creator that you believe you can build a mutually beneficial relationship with, but you're not quite sure how to open the door I want you to be intentional about getting to know them. Do your research, pay attention to the content that they create, what they write about themselves in their profile, and how they interact with others. Of course this is typical advice where you would start out, you know engaging and interacting, that's basic stuff, right? - Yeah. - Because you come familiar with who they are. They kind of know your name and then you slide into the DMs. - The appropriate sliding in the DMs. - Exactly, but, but, but I want you to take this one step further. Maybe there are people that are in your network that you can refer business to or pass along opportunities. Or maybe you have some ideas that will help that same creator create new content or a new product, or expand their reach. When you do that, reset, reach out now. Okay, so when you do the reach out, okay. What you want to do is get up close and personal with that opportunity. And here's how you do it. You leave them a voice message. - I love a good voicemail. - Listen, okay. - I'm telling you. - Way better than text. Or let me tell you if you do, tell me if you do this, the video. - Oh, I love a good video. - Okay. - Especially a walk and talk video. Especially like outside in a nice area, you know, hey, what's up, something like that. - So going that extra mile as far as finding those right opportunities or the right connections for them, leaving them a voice note or a video message. But I don't want you just talk about meeting up, actually meet up and you can schedule a meeting right inside the DMs. And it could be a video meeting on Teams, Zoom or directly on LinkedIn. So use the tools. - Yeah, use the tools across the board. And let's go into my tip, which is to move your relationships from online to face to face, which is exactly what Cher was already talking about. However, we're going to take this to a whole different level. Take the time to go to events and meet people in person. I'll tell you, there's so many events that I've been to that I met someone for the first time that we really didn't know each other, maybe we saw each other on LinkedIn and now we text every other day. But that wouldn't have happened if we didn't meet in person, - 100% - at all. And so quality time over everything. I'm going to you say it one more time. I think someone - For the people in the back. - Yeah, someone missed it. Quality time over everything. Look, I know that in-person events are slowly but surely coming back. But in my opinion, meeting someone in person is the equivalent of having 10 Zoom meetings with them. Imagine that. 10. - That's right. - That's a lot of Zoom meetings. - That's a lot of Zoom. - People tell me about Zoom fatigues, so you want to meet these people in person. This is the best way to deepen relationships and potentially find new relationships that you can cultivate in the future. My plan is to always go to at least two to four in-person events because I know the ROI of meeting people in person is always going to be worth it. And you know, moving forward, we talked about it earlier, collaborations can come from that. Potential partnerships, finding new clients, right? You're going to, bringing it back, you're going to find some new clients. So those are things that can be helpful. - Okay, so in my first tip, I shared how you can be intentional about reaching out. This next idea takes it to the whole new level, especially when there is a creator in your network that may seem a little bit out of your reach. What I want you to do is create content about the creators you want to connect with or perhaps even create with them one day. And that's the whole progression. Brenda Meller, she's a creator on LinkedIn, and she creates this thing called the LinkedIn Rock Stars list. Where she painstakingly ranks the rock stars on the platform based off of monthly growth stats. And to Morgan's point, consider hosting your own event to meet others. So Bobby Umar, who is a creator in my network, he has hosted dozens of LinkedIn locals where I've been a guest, and I've also been on stage with him. And I've met other creators from around the LinkedIn universe. Yeah, that's a thing. - Is there a metaverse too? - Maybe. - I dunno. - Link averse. - Link averse. Yeah, there we go. - That's ours. - We got a lot of terms. That's ours, TM, that's ours. - That's ours. - So this is my favorite part. It's the recap. - The recap. - Oh, these recaps are just crazy. So let's talk about it. Reach out to five creators who are your peers so you can start developing a deep relationship with them. And pick three people in person that you want to connect with. - I love it. And there's a little bit more recapping to do because you need to get to know the creator that you want to network with. And of course, be intentional about reaching out to them and take it a level up with the video or the voice note. And you can take the last bit. - Yeah, and then ultimately you want to meet with them online, in person, across the board at these events. And make sure that you're creating content with other creators or plan events with them. - All right, coming up in the next episode we will be showing you how to secure the bag to build a profitable community. Let's go get the bag. - Let's get the bag. - The bag. - All right.