课程: InDesign: Layout and Composition
What you should know
- [Instructor] In preparing this course, I'd originally intended to address one design principle at a time. In practice, I found that these principles are mutually dependent and that you can't talk meaningfully about one without mentioning others. So for that reason, I'll be addressing principles simultaneously as we work through these projects. Regardless of the kind of document you're working with, the same themes of contrast, scale, alignment, symmetry and asymmetry and the effective use of white space keep recurring. This course is intended for intermediate users. I'm assuming you're already familiar with using InDesign. If you're not, or if you feel the need to brush up in some areas, I suggest viewing the InDesign Essential Training by David Blattner here on LinkedIn Learning. You may also find my InDesign Typography and my Designing with Grids in InDesign courses are useful as well.