课程: Inclusion During Difficult Times


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Leading with compassion and inclusivity

Leading with compassion and inclusivity

- So we think about the need for compassion with inclusion. If you want inclusion at work or even in your social world, you have to lead with compassion. What was interesting to me when I talk to other employees, other leaders, they talk about empathy, it's time for empathy, it's time for leading with empathy. And I was doing the same thing, I was saying the same thing. And then I stopped myself. Empathy is not what we need, empathy is being an observer, it is not taking action. Let me dis-aggregate that for us. Empathy is telling me that I feel your pain at you. The old story goes, the fable goes, there was a monk climbing up a mountain and he sees a fellow human with a rock on his chest. And immediately the monk feels the strain in his own chest, he can't breathe, he feels the pain of this other human being and just sits there in the moment and say, I feel sorry for I feel your pain, I am so sorry you have this rock…
