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Making time for others
- Throughout this course, we've been talking about the power of focus, particularly for ourselves and how we perform at work. But what about outside of work? What about our important relationships when we go home? Perhaps our spouse, or our children, or our best friends. How are we focusing on them? What's important for us to grow our focus not just for ourselves, but how we interact with the people that we care most about. And for me, this begins and ends with time. What I mean by that is often people talk about spending quality time with people, yet I've found that quality time and quantity time are not mutually exclusive. This means that we can both spend an abundance of time with people that we care about and we can make those moments really matter. One tool that I've helped a lot of clients use to implement this is called the Oasis. The Oasis is something that happens on a daily, weekly, and monthly, yearly…