课程: Implementing Supply Chain Management


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Ecommerce and social media

Ecommerce and social media

- One of my friends likes to say that everything about supply chain management is completely logical and rational except the customers. One of the biggest challenges we face is that customer expectations change quickly. This is especially true for retail products. We're a supply chain that was excellent just a few years ago, can seem slow, impersonal, and expensive today. Let's look at how technology is changing the retail marketplace. Then we can explore some ways to engage with our customers and adapt to their changing requirements. We'll start by looking at social media. Social media amplifies consumer behavior by making it easy to share product reviews, recommendations and endorsements. In any social network, there are influencers, people who have a huge audience of followers. When an influencer recommends a product, the result can be a huge surge in sales. But if an influencer provides a negative review, it can…
