课程: Humane Productivity: Burnout Proof Your Performance


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Device notifications and the brain

Device notifications and the brain

- Technology has made it easier than ever to work from anywhere, to stay in contact with colleagues and to collaborate even when we're not in the same physical location. It's made innovating easier than ever. But if not used correctly, those same technological tools that were intended to help innovation can actually get in the way and slow it down. Now, our technology ecosystem is partly to blame. We all use email, texting, social networks and messaging apps nonstop. It's just become a normal part of how we communicate in our daily lives. But there are three things that we need to think about when trying to understand the impact of technology on how we work. One, these tools have created an expectation where everyone is supposed to be reachable all the time. We feel like people should respond quickly to emails and messages. I mean, take WhatsApp and their double blue check marks. The fact that you can tell when…
