课程: How to Write a Marketing Plan

How to build a marketing plan for today's landscape

课程: How to Write a Marketing Plan

How to build a marketing plan for today's landscape

- [Goldie] Welcome to Learning How to Build a Marketing Plan for Today's Current Marketplace. So, what is a marketing plan, and what does it do? A marketing plan is a guide or document that outlines the strategy of a brand or company to reach their target demographic. Oftentimes, a marketing plan is one of many different components in an overall marketing, advertising, and promotional strategy led by a team of individuals or departments. This is a well-informed tactic that has several decades worth of history and evolution prior to the existence of digital marketing as we know it. I'm Goldie Chan, CEO of Warm Robots and brand marketing expert. I invite you to join me in my LinkedIn Learning course, where you will learn how to create and utilize a successful marketing plan.
